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Sept. 17, 2014  1000   Reunions Page: 50-Year Reunion Timeline. Added Video by Fay.
                                 Click here to go to Reunions Page.
Sept. 14, 2014  1600   Reunions Page: Added WoW! Slideshow in the 50-Year Reunion Timeline. Adding photos as they are shared.
                                  Click here to go to the Reunions Page.
Aug. 24, 2014  1000    Shared Stuff page.  Added a slideshow and video that Yoshi shared of his trip to Italy. Also, a slideshow of the
                                  49ers' Levi's Stadium of a soccer game he attended.
                                  Click here to view, it's under Yoshi Shares.
July 30, 2014  1512     Classmates (PV) Page.  Added Video Sllideshow, Lunch at Cafe O'Lei with Laurie.
                                  Click here to go to the Classmates (PV) Page.
Jan. 24, 2014  1312     Classmates (PV) page.  Added Video-Slideshow and DropShots link for Tom and Jan Farewell Dinner on Jan. 17, 2014.
                                  Click here to go to the classmates (PV) page.
Dec. 7, 2013   1132     Shared Stuff page: Shared photos from Sharon, of her house in Texas, during a Dec. 6, 2013 snow storm.
                                  Posted under Sharon Shares. Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
Nov. 23, 2013  1448     E Komo Mai, Home page:  Added more security to the website. You must now Register/Login before you can access
                                  MHS '64 information. Webmaster will decided who will be able to stay registered. Else, blocked forever.
Nov. 2, 2013  1600      E Komo Mai, Home page:  Did a little face lift to make the page less busy by adding a drop down menu.
Oct. 25, 2013  1725    Shared Stuff page: Posted a Photo Gallery of Sharon's visit to Oregon, under Sharon Shares.
                                 Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
Oct. 25, 2013 1211     Shared Stuff page:  Posted a Photo Gallery. 20130803 Great Oregon Steam-Up, under Imamuras share.
                                 Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
Oct. 24, 2013  0811     Reunions page:  Posted extra links of videos made by the new MHS ACOM Dept.
                                  Click here to go to the Reunions page, under MHS Centennial.
Oct. 14, 2013 1722      Reunions page:  Posted video of the New MHS Centennial Gala of Oct. 13th.
                                  Click here to go to the Reunions page.
Oct. 6, 2013  1615      Reunions page.  Posted Photo galleries for the MHS Centennial, Sept. 13 - 15, 2013. Also corrected the DropShots link.
                                 Click here to go to the Reunions page.
Oct. 2, 2013  2130      Classmates P/V page.  Posted a Photo Gallery of our lunch at Sam Sato's (20130917). Featuring Michael Ruiz
                                 and Trudy (Karakawa) Fujioka).
                                 Click here to go to the Classmates P/V page
Sep 27, 2013  1428      Reunions page.  Posted photos of the MHS Centennial, Sept. 3-15,, 2013.
                                   Click here to go to the Reunions page.
June 29, 2013 1330   Shared Stuff page. Posted video and slideshow links of Yoshi's recent trip to Toronto, Canada. 
                                  Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page .                   
​June 29, 2013 1300   Classmates P/V page. Posted photos of the "Four Kids from Hawaii" in New York (Tommy & Jan and Herbert & Vicky).
                                  Click here to go to the Classmates P/V page.
May 23, 2013  1320  Shared Stuff page. Posted video and slideshow links of Yoshi's recent trip to Belgium and The Netherlands.
                                  Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
Apr. 19, 2013  1258   Classmates (P/V) page. Posted a video:Posted a video: Maui Lani Guided Tour by Jeff and Grace Komoda.
​                                  Click here to go to the Classmates (P/V) page.
Mar. 10, 2013 0826   Shared Stuff pagePosted a link to Unreal Hawaii - Outdoor life in Hawaii. Shared from Sharon T. Souza.
​                                  She wrote, "The photos of Hawaii are truly magnificent!"
​                                 Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page, Sharon Shares.
Mar. 02, 2013 1455   Shared Stuff page.  Sunset Magazine, 2013, March​ Issue shared by Sharon Tokie Souza.  Edible Maui
                                  featuring an article on Sam Sato's. Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page, Sharon Shares.
Feb. 23, 2013 1452       Webmaster page. Posted an article that was in the May 26, 1966 Star-Bulletin of me (Howie) and two other local boys
                                   "In The Tonkin Gulf," Click here to go to the Webmaster page.
Jan. 19, 2013 2137       Notices page.  Posted the Minutes of the Jan. 17, 2013 meeting.
                                   Click here to go to the Notices page.
Nov. 9, 2012 1340        Shared Stuff page.  Julie Higa shared some info on the "Oldies Bash Sock Hop 2012" held in Honolulu on Oct.19th.
                                  Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
Nov. 1,   2012 0900      Classmates P/V page.  Posted photos of the LV get together on Oct. 20th.
                                  Click here to go to the Classmates P/V page.
Oct. 19, 2012 1613      Shared Stuff page.  Posted the Nagahiros' (Tommy & Jan) Heart of Europe Grand Tour under, Nagahiros' Shares.
​                                  Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
Oct. 14, 2012 1400     Shared Stuff page.  Posted the Imamuras' photos (under Imamuras' Share) of their recent vacation to Crater Lake, OR;
                                 Oregon Caves, OR; & Redwoods, CA. 
                                 Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
Aug 25, 2012 1748      STS Publishing page.  Posted TEN RULES OF EMAIL ETIQUETTE AND POTENTIAL EMAIL PITFALLS.
                                            Click here to go to the STS Publishing page.
Aug 18, 2012 1143      Shared Stuff page.  Posted photos from Tokie (Sharon Souza) of her visit to Ohio to see her grandkids
                                 Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
Aug 13, 2012 1648      Classmates P/V page.  Posted a PDF and photo Gallery file for the get-together with Ken Imamura and family.
                                 Click here to go to the Classmates P/V page.
Aug 8, 2012  1748       STS Publishing page.  This website will present a series of 'reflections' by contributing class writer/publisher, Sharon Tokie 
                                 Watanabe Souza, who served as the Editor-in-Chief of MHS's publication, the 'Hi-Notes' from September 1963 to June 1964.
                                 Her reflections will be dated according to when Sharon's reflections were noted on paper. The offerings will be on a continual basis.
                                 Please drop in on the STSpublishing page to check for more reflections, as they become available. Mahalo!
Aug 7, 2012  1245        Classmates P/V page.  Posted an article on Eileen Taketa, a Kanoa MVP.
                                   Click here to go to the Classmates P/V page.
July 18, 2012  0645      Classmates page.  Posted our '64 graduation photos.
                                   Click here to go to the Classmates page.
July 15, 2012  1412      Classmates P/V page.  Posted photos of our lunch at Kahili GC Restaurant.  Tommy Nagahiro and Donald Harada in town.
                                  Click here to go to the Classmates P/V page.
Jun 23, 2012  1617      Classmates P/V page.  Added photo of Haiku School 1960 Basketball Champs.
                                  Click here to go to the Classmates P/V page.
Jun 16, 2012  1827      Reunions page.  Posted a new Photo Gallery of our 1994-30th reunion. Lots of new photos.
                                  Click here to go to the Reunions page.
Jun 11, 2012  1914      Shared Stuff page.  Posted video links of Yoshi's 2012 trip to Japan, Hong Kong and Macau.Thanks Yoshi, outstanding videos.
                                  Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page, under "Yoshi Shares."
Jun 8, 2012  2017        Note:  For the pass month, I have been updating my knowledge on the new HTMLv5 (Hyper Text Markup Language) and 
                                 CSSv3 (Cascading Style Sheets).  The codes are more versatile than the older version. I'm using it a lot in doing photos, photo  
                                 galleries, and videos. If you see "new"the item was done or redone in the new codes.  I use a simple HTML editor ($35.00),
                                 Could use a word processor, but the HTML editor has all the HTML/CSS tags available. The editor doesn't generate anything, you
                                 need to write it. That's why this site not fancy, it's done the old fashion way, one code tag at a time.
May 20, 2012 0039       Classmates P/V page. Posted photo of us having lunch at the Kula Bistro. Laura on Maui.
                                   Click here to go to the Classmates P/V page.
May 18, 2012  1607    Classmates P/V page.  Redid 1960 Paia, Makawao & Kula.
                                  Click here to go to the Classmates P/V page.
May 6, 2012  2336      Shared Stuff page.  Added Imamuras' photos of their visit to a Tulip Farm in 2009.
                                  Click here to go to Shared Stuff page.
May 2, 2012  2118      Classmates P/V Page.  Added the 1960 Haiku School graduation photo.  Mahalo to the Yamashiros'.
                                 Click here to go to the Classmates P/V page.
​Apr. 7, 2012 1331       Reunions Page.  Added Photo Gallery of the 2008 Social Security Celebration in LV.
                                 Click here to go to the Reunions page.
Apr 2, 2012 1049       Shared Stuff pagePosted photo & video of Mildred Okuda, our cafeteria manager.
                                 Click here to go to the Notices page.
Mar 26, 2012 1645      Shared Stuff pagePosted Ken Imaura's photos of Spring 2012 in Corvallis, OR
                                  Click here to go to the Notices page.
Jan 5, 2012 1454        Special Occasions page.  Added Holiday Greetings ...
                                 Click here to go to the Special Occasions page.
Sep 27, 2011 1120      STS - Publishing page On 9/25/11 by email, Tokie shares her thoughts.
                                 Click here to go to the STS-Publishing page.
Sep 17, 2011 1414     Reunions Page.  Added Photo Gallery of the 65th BB. More to follow.
                                Click here to go to the Reunions page.

Sep 3, 2011 1405      Shared Stuff page Added the MAUI HIGH SCHOOL - 40th ANNIVERSARY HALL OF HONOR link
                                (provided by Sharon Tokie Souza). Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
Aug 6, 2011 1503      Shared Stuff page Added an article (provided by Sharon Tokie Souza vis USPS) from the Hawaii
                                Restaurant Assn. (Oct. 2010 Iss.), inducting Sato's Restaurant into the 4th Annual Hall of Fame.
                                Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
July 23, 11 1548       Shared Stuff page Added Wada's July 4-12, 2011 Japan Trip to Hokkaido. See Wada's Shares.
                                Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
May 15, 1115            Shared Stuff page Yoshiharu "Yoshi" Nomura May trip to the Canadian Rockies.
                                Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
May 14, 11 1531       Shared Stuff page Dinner with the Imamuras' and Halls' at Cafe O'Lei.  Posted Group photo,  Photo gallery &                                              Video slideshow.  Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
Feb 2, 11 1506         Shared Stuff page Added a link to the The Virtual Wall - Vietnam War Memorial and Children. Shared by
                               Helene Shiigi, BHS64.  Click here to go to the Shared Stuff page.
Jan 31, 11 1435        Reunions Page.  Added video contents of the 45th Reunion DVD.
                               Click here to go to the Reunions page.
Nov 3, 2010 1435     Reunions Page.  Added photo slideshow  and video of our 64/64 Luncheon on Aug. 7, 2010.
                               Click here to go to the Reunions page.


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